Forms to be filed in case of Appointment of KMP/Directors Under Companies Act,2013

by Raghav Goyal

In corporate world there are various appointment of KMP/Directors being made and there are various forms to be filed regarding their appointment.Many misconceptions and confusion are established in the industry regarding forms filling.

In this article we will discuss about the various forms to be filed in case of appointment of KMP/Directors.

Meaning of Key Managerial Personnel:-

Definition of KMP/Manager/Managing Director is as per Section 2(51)/2(53)/2(54) of Companies Act,2013 respectively.

Forms to be Filed in case of appointment of KMP/Directors:-

Here is the Table by Compliance arena showing various forms to be filed to ROC in different cases :-

(within 30 days of appointment)
(within 30 days of appointment)
(within 60 days of appointment)
Managing Director
Whole Time Director
Company Secretary
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Additional/Alternate Director
Independent Director
Forms to be Filed in case of Appointment of KMP/Directors

*Private companies are exempted from filing
MGT-14 & MR-1 in case of appointment of KMP.

Filing the forms is very important from the view point of deciding the liability of Directors/KMP as the individuals are not liable before the date of appointment and the form filed is a Conclusive Evidence of appointment.

For any further queries or requirements contact

Compliance Arena


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